State Resources

Alabama Business Resources

Alabama is home to some of the nation’s largest corporations, including Regions Financial and Saks Incorporated. To help move products in and out of the state, the Alabama State Port Authority operates a deepwater port at Mobile. The port serves 100 overseas shipping lines and is connected to 16,300 miles of inland waterways connected to 23 states.

Over 350 automotive related manufacturers in the state make Alabama the second largest producer of automotives in the nation. The Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville produces many of NASA’s space equipment, including the Saturn booster rockets. This has helped support the 300 related aerospace companies and the creation of 73,000 direct jobs in Alabama. However, the largest manufacturing industry is forest products. The state holds the second-largest timberland base in the U.S. with nearly 23 million acres and produced an estimated $13.3 billion of products in 2003.

Business Data

Per Capita Real GDP$29,697 Rank: 44/50
Population4,447,100 Rank: 23/50
Per Capita Personal Income$31,295 Rank: 40/50
Unemployment Rate4.00% Rank: 17/50
Business Tax Climate IndexRank: 21/50
Corporate Tax Rate6.5%
Individual Tax Rate 2% - 5%
Sales Tax Rate 4%

Business Tax Climate Index

Individual Income Tax Index Rank19
Sales Tax Index Rank25
Unemployment Insurance Tax Index Rank12
Property Tax Index Rank12
Business Tax Climate Index21
Corporate Tax Index Rank21

State Information

Nick NameHeart of Dixie
State Web Site
MottoWe dare to defend our rights

Top 5 Export Partner Countries

Germany Canada China Mexico United Kingdom

Top 5 Export Merchandise

Passenger Vehicles Coal Motor Vehicle Parts Optical Lenses & Fibers Polyethers

Major Cities

Birmingham (population 229,800) Montgomery (population 204,086) Mobile (population 191,411)


Total Gross Domestic Product (USD Millions) $165,796.00
Per Capita Real GDP (USD)$29,603.00 Rank: 45

Population Stats

Population 4,661,900 Rank: 23

Age Distribution

Under 18 Population1,123,420
Under 18 Percent of Total Population25%
65 and older Population579,798
65 and older Percent of Total Population13%

Gender Distribution

Male Population48.3%
Female Population51.7%
Non-English Speaker (at home)131,324
Net International Immigration25,936
Birth Rate13.1%
Percent of People Under Poverty Level17%


Per Capita State Spending$43,423
Energy Expenditures per Person$4,450
Expenditures of State and Local Government Employee-Retirement Systems$1,686,543


Personal Income$32,401
State Internal Revenue Collection$24,149,102
Cash and Deposits by State Government$1,538,540
Per Capita State Tax Collection$1,869


High School Graduation Rate61.5%
Percent of Population with a Bachelor's Degree13.3%
Percent of Population with an Advanced Degree7.8%

Largest Universities

Auburn University Troy University University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
High School Graduation Rate61.5%


Public Road Length (Mile)96,521
Gas Tax Rate (%)18%
Highway Planning and Construction (USD Thousands)654,118
Number of Public Airports97

Main Airports

HSV, Huntsville BHM, Birmingham BFM, Mobile


Guntersville Mobile



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State Business Links

The Birmingham News

Secretary of State

Alabama Secretary of State
Business Services, Corporate Filings, Government Records, Elections, Office of the Secretary

Small Business Administration

SBA Alabama District Office - Birmingham
Business development training programs and info on SBA loan programs.

Top 10 Business Links

Alabama Department of Revenue
The website contains information for taxpayers, business, and practitioner communities in the state of Alabama. It provides an easy access to state and local tax information.
Alabama Development Office
This website is dedicated to helping Alabama businesses increase their presence internationally. Services provided mainly focus on helping businesses export abroad. Alabama businesses receive these services free of charge. Trade leads, events, a resource guide, and other functions are also provided to aid businesses.
Alabama Small Business Development Consortium
The Alabama Small Business Development Consortium has three areas of services offered: Business Counseling - assists clients to start their small business in Alabama; Government Procurement - assists Alabama businesses in obtaining local, state and federal government contracts; International Trade - works one-on-one with small businesses to increase export sales.
Center for Business and Economic Research
This center is part of the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce. The site provides statistics on population, income, and GDP related indicators, as well as economic forecasts. Research on a variety of economic issues is also available.
Central Alabama Women's Business Center
The Central Alabama Women's Business Center provides information to help women in Alabama to start, develop, and succeed in their own business. The site offers information on training, events, and links to numerous resources useful to women in business.
Economic Development Partnership of Alabama
This site provides useful information and resources about what makes Alabama a good state in which to do business. Broad topics covered include location advantages, available properties, labor, quality of life, and industries, all of which are broken down into subcategories such as cost of operating or workforce development.
Everything Alabama
This news service covers primarily local Alabama news, though national news that affects Alabama is also featured.
North Alabama Industrial Development Association
The NAIDA provides a wealth of useful information on business in northern Alabama. There is an economic overview of the region in general, and the counties in the north of Alabama, including statistics. There are also other reports and data available on topics such as demographics or labor force. There is also a section providing in-depth information on each industry in the region. Lastly, information on available locations or sites for business is also included.