This immersive technology turns hospitals into less stressful places

There is quality sound, and there is noise. Sadly, in our day-to-day lives, we have way too much of the latter. Excessive noise can cause several short- and long-term health problems, such as sleep disturbance, cardiovascular effects, poorer work and school performance, and the most obvious risk: hearing impairment. Noise has emerged as a leading environmental nuisance in the World Health Organization’s European region, and the number of public complaints about excessive noise is growing. Read More …

Scientists created embryos with human and monkey cells, stoking ethical concerns

Scientists are locked in debate over the necessity of creating chimera embryos that contain both monkey and human cells. A study released on Thursday  showed that human cells can indeed grow when implanted inside macaque monkey embryos. The goal of the research is to find ways to develop human organs and tissue that can be used for transplants. But some scientists are urging caution and question the need for this type of research at all. The study took 132 monkey embryos and injected them with human stem cells. Scientists used a process that allowed them to develop monkey embryos for up to 20 days in a lab. Only three of the embryos made it to day 19 before they collapsed. What was most exciting to the scientists involved is that the human and monkey cells were able to communicate with one another, allowing the human cells to survive. Past research has shown that trying to grow human cells in pigs or sheep yields far less stunning results, though humans and macaques are much more closely related than humans and pigs. The study’s authors see this research as key to better understanding human development and primate evolution, and an opportunity to advance the use of chimeras for organ creation. The need for organs is great. In the U.S. alone, over 100,000 people are registered on the national waiting list for a transplant. Approximately 17 people die every day because they were unable to secure a transplant, according to the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. Still, some scientists are concerned about what this research could mean in the future. The loudest worry is about the potential for so-called “rogue scientists” to use this research to develop true human-monkey chimeras. Another is that such experiments may develop in unintended ways. Plus, there are ethical questions about creating chimeras purely for organ extraction Read More …

When broadband monopolies pushed out scrappy local ISPs, we all suffered

Over time, computers have become easier to use and the internet easier to access. It used to be that people needed special training to be able to use software on a machine. Now, small children can do it. Instead of a long, noisy process of connecting through dial-up, our devices can connect to the internet (and each other) instantly, without human intervention or even awareness. Mostly this is a good thing. More intuitive design means getting more people online and bringing more access to powerful tools for self-expression and community. It would be excruciating to try and use sophisticated online tools and platforms using old-school modems and routers. One advantage, though, of older technologies is that they forced us to think about what’s under the hood of the devices we use every day. The clicking, whirring, and beeping of old-school dial-up made it obvious that digital connections don’t just magically appear—they have to be built and maintained. Read More …

AI trained on fake faces could help fix a big annoyance with mask wearing

Last March, when we all started wearing masks, phone makers suddenly had a big problem. The facial recognition systems used to authenticate users on their phones no longer worked. The AI models that powered them couldn’t recognize users’ faces because they’d been trained using images of only unmasked faces. The unique identifiers they’d been trained to look for were suddenly hidden. Phone makers needed to expand their training data to include a wide assortment of images of masked faces, and quickly. But scraping such images from the web comes with privacy issues, and capturing and labeling high numbers of images is cost- and labor-intensive. Enter Synthesis AI , which has made a business of producing synthetic images of nonexistent people to train AI models. The San Francisco-based startup needed only a couple of weeks to develop a large set of masked faces, with variations in the type and position of the mask on the face. It then delivered them to its phone-maker clients—which the company says include three of the five largest handset makers in the world—via an application programming interface (API). With the new images, the AI models could be trained to rely more on facial features outside the borders of the mask when recognizing users’ faces. [Image: courtesy of Synthesis AI] Phone makers aren’t the only ones facing training data challenges. Developing computer-vision AI models requires a large number of images with attached labels that describe what the image is so that the machine can learn what it is looking at. But sourcing or building huge sets of these labeled images in an ethical way is difficult. For example, controversial startup Clearview AI, which works with law enforcement around the country , claims to have scraped billions of images from social networking sites without consent Read More …