

  • Price: $10,000
  • Gross Income: $100,000
  • Cash Flow: $10,000
  • FFE: $0
  • Inventory: $0
  • Real Estate Value: $0
  • Source Data:
About the Business
  • Listing ID: #17749
  • Year Established: 0
  • Financing:
  • Training:
  • Facilities:
  • Competition:
  • Growth:
  • Employees:

Property Descriptions


The information in this listing has been provided by the business seller or representative stated above. The Business Broker Journal has no stake in the sale of this business, has not verified the accuracy, completeness, and assumes no responsibility for this advertisement. Read our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Business Listed By

Thiagu murugan 1, Tennessee, chennai
  • E-mail : tgshakthi@gmail.com
  • Web :
  • Phone :
  • Company :
  • Listings : 1