Citgo on peachtree industerial
- Price: $40,000
- Gross Income: $20,000
- Cash Flow: $0
- FFE: $25,000
- Inventory: $40,000
- Real Estate Value: $0
- Source Data: owner
About the Business
- Listing ID: #citgosam
- Year Established: 2007
- Financing: NO
- Training:
- Facilities:
- Competition:
- Growth:
- Employees:
Property Descriptions
Located in a nice busy intersection of Peachtree industrial with traffic count of over 75,000 car daily. Absentee owner business that have the potential of doubling and tripling the sales if it s operated by an owner operator. 20k ava inside and 20k galn outside, lotto 35k a month, gaming machines 600, small deli inside pays 300 a month rent and ATM brings 300 to 500 a month. Very clean store with 4 mpd that can be rebranded at any time. Please sign and fax a confidentiality agreement. Find more business opportunities at
The information in this listing has been provided by the business seller or representative stated above. The Business Broker Journal has no stake in the sale of this business, has not verified the accuracy, completeness, and assumes no responsibility for this advertisement. Read our Terms and Conditions for more information.
Business Listed By
Mosajet 2221 peachtree road suit 130, Georgia, atlanta
- E-mail : mosajet@yahoo.com
- Web : https://www.atlantarestaurantsbroker.com
- Phone : 678-491-4658
- Company : americas realty
- Listings : 14